Using your smartphone, you can create a time lapse video of your illustration process -- a fun and rewarding process exercise to share on social media, or an adventurous way to document your artmaking.
My set up for this demo makes use of:
- an iPhone (with built-in Time Lapse Mode)
- a selfie stick
- a mic stand
- drawing and painting supplies! (in my case: gouche, pencil and wood)
I attach my smartphone to the selfie stick. I then place the stick in the microphone holder on the mic stand so my phone positions sturdily directly over my art setup. Stability is important since gravity is involved here, or your phone could end up crashing into your painting.
Here's the view from above:
Here's the view from above:

I recommend positioning your phone at the end of a long arm so the phone can shoot from directly overhead while not interfering with your workspace. (Do not have a person hold it. People, even those with long arms, are too wobbly -- and time lapse videos take a long time to create, hence the name.)
I happen to have a mic stand at my disposal, but you could probably use a gooseneck lamp or a well-positioned shelf or rack. I did not use a traditional tripod because those are typically made to stand upright, not for downward shooting.
I happen to have a mic stand at my disposal, but you could probably use a gooseneck lamp or a well-positioned shelf or rack. I did not use a traditional tripod because those are typically made to stand upright, not for downward shooting.
- Make sure your workspace is well-lit to avoid casting any weird shadows in the video.
- Position your camera far away enough to allow for you to work normally -- don't position your phone so close to your workspace that it prevents you from seeing it or painting comfortably!
- Press the record button in Time Lapse mode once to begin, and a second time to stop.
- Unless you want to stitch multiple video clips together, you'll have to start and finish the time lapse shoot in the same sitting. Motivating!

And here you have it! 36 seconds of rapid-fire art making! Enjoy! (If only I could actually work this quickly...)
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Susie Ghahremani of boygirlparty.com was an SCBWI LA Mentee of 2016! She is the illustrator of What Will Hatch? and What Will Grow? (coming February 2017) -- both written by the amazing Jennifer Ward & published by Bloomsbury. Her debut as author-AND-illustrator is titled STACK THE CATS! , coming May 2017 to Abrams Appleseed.
She is very excited about this, and loves being part of the Full Circle Literary family.
Follow Susie at @boygirlparty on instagram and twitter, or on ye olde Facebook.
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