Friday, January 12, 2018

Intentions- by Diandra Mae

I know the New Year is all about stepping off on the right foot towards something BIGGER, BETTER, NEWER, etc. but this year, instead of starting over I want to keep doing what I've been doing. 

You see, every year I pick one word as my focus. It's my Intention Word. It's the reminder for the next twelve months of what it is I want to accomplish that year. Where I'm going to put my energy. 2017 was the year of 

North meant closing my eyes and tuning myself to the pull on my heart, towards the stories I've been waiting to tell, the characters I've been wanting to create. North meant ignoring all the noise about style and design and trends and figuring out what is I'm meant to do. North meant listening. 

And so I did. I participated in a six month online art challenge that I help moderate, pushing myself to draw the things that scared the pants off me (vehicles -*shudder*) in order to encourage growth. 

I took an illustrator's workshop at Highlights and had a fantastic time with wonderful people, exploring media and technique and really having a hard look at myself and how I've been playing it safe. (Anxiety and Fear are some sneaky jerks, y'all.)

And even though I knew it was just the very beginning of something real and wonderful, I entered my portfolio in the SCBWI LA Portfolio Showcase to show folks that I was still working and creating. Well, we know how that turned out: 😉

Last year was, for the first time in a long time, when I finally felt like I was putting my foot on the right path when it came to my work. Every step I took seemed to click somewhere inside of me and although I couldn't really see where I was going, I was excited to see where I ended up. 

It was to the point that I became a little evangelical to friends about how they approached their art. "Tell the stories you want to tell!" "There's only one YOU!" "Follow this spark!" Pushing and encouraging friends is one of my favorite things to do, and with the personal success I had experienced so far, I turned it up to eleven. I've calmed down (mostly) but still remind them from time to time that their journey is theirs and there's no one like them.

It's a good reminder for me to keep listening heading into 2018. And, inspired by Robert Frost, I'll also keep in mind

"The path can be lonely, dark, and steep,
But I have stories to tell,
And miles to go before the journey's complete,
And miles to go before the journey's complete. 

My Intention Word for 2018 is Persistence. 

Happy New Year, y'all. Do you have an Intention for 2018? Let me know what it is! I hope your 2018 Intentions bring you focus, growth, and joy.


This hangs in my studio. I purchased it on Etsy a few years back:



  1. Inspiring, Diandra!! Love that idea of choosing one word to set your intentions. :) Gonna do it!

  2. Great post, Diandra! I think I need to choose a word now :D

    1. Thanks, Alexandra! Good luck in your word search!

  3. My husband and I have a couple focus word and a personal focus word every year. This year we're focusing on FREEDOM as a couple, and I personally am focusing on FIX!
